Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday Sycamore Ride with Leo

This past Sunday Leo and I decided to meet up and ride Sycamore Canyon. The plan was to meet at the dirt lot on Mast Blvd at 8AM. When I left Pacific Beach I was in dense fog. I knew it would be better out east. I loaded my Stumpumper FSR 29er I purchased from B&L Bike Shop and met Leo at the lot at 8AM. As I got off the 52 I passed all of the runners headed over to Mission Trails for the Xterra Run. I wanted to do that run but passed it up to ride with Leo. We had been talking about doing this for some time now.

I had ridden Sycamore about four times prior to this. Leo had been riding here for the past three or so years. I had the GoPro on the hemlet so he led me through the area in a way that I had never experienced. It was amazing. There was a fine mist in the valleys but it was amazing outside. Clear and beautiful San Diego weather.

Shortly into the ride we started to experience water. A lot of water crossings. None were too deep but they were fun. Leo made sure to warn me prior to hitting them.

We headed north on a dirt road for while until we got on some single track. The fun started when we turned northwest up a valley I had never been on. Before long we were climbing these cool singletrack switchbacks. Leo mentioned they were some of the few in the area. They were tons of fun and when we reached the top we ran into a runner asking where the trail led. Leo told him where it headed and we were off. Before long we were on a side of a green hill about to cruise back into the Canyon.

Here is a video of us starting our descent.

Similiar to the ascent we descended some even crazier switchbacks down the other side. Before long Leo was gone. He rode the switchbacks with skills. I had forgotten how far you have to sit back behind the seat when turning on some steep switchbacks.

When we got the bottom we had warmed up so we shed some clothes and decided to head over to Martha's Grove. He again took me a way that I had never been on. Such a cool way to experience this place. We made the climb up to the top and then started the singletrack. It was so much fun but I had to dismount a couple times. There are some super steep rough spots and the video does not do it justice. Leo again rode like a champ and skillfully navigated all the sketchy parts.

After we got back to the road we headed outside the gates you have to dismount for. After that Leo again linked up some trails to make a super fun ride back to the car.

Got back to the car in 2 hours and 3 minutes. 1800 ft of climbing and 17 miles. Followed up the ride with a 30 minute transition run. Only a couple months until my first race Xterra West Championships in Vegas. Here are the Garmin stats and map. Spoke to Leo and we are going to ride some place called The Tunnels next. I cannot wait.

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